Please Read The Rules Before Joining Any Tours!

It is your responsibility to Email Me ( For Next Address, before your mail by date! Please Email me a day or two before your ready to mail. Not the day you get the book! IF mailing early, please tell me, so I can get the address to you FAST!

REMEMBER: Mr Linky is for reviews only, not signups! To sign up, follow directions in each post! (comments-chatbox)

If you want added onto an already closed tour, please email me for permission. I may or may not grant it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Forget You

Author: Jennifer Echols
Donated By: Cindy

Summary: There’s a lot Zoey would like to forget. Like how her father has knocked up his twenty-four-year old girlfriend. Like Zoey’s fear that the whole town will find out about her mom’s nervous breakdown. Like darkly handsome bad boy Doug taunting her at school. With her life about to become a complete mess, Zoey fights back the only way she knows how, using her famous attention to detail to make sure she’s the perfect daughter, the perfect student, and the perfect girlfriend to ultra-popular football player Brandon.

But then Zoey is in a car crash, and the next day there’s one thing she can’t remember at all—the entire night before. Did she go parking with Brandon, like she planned? And if so, why does it seem like Brandon is avoiding her? And why is Doug—of all people—suddenly acting as if something significant happened between the two of them? Zoey dimly remembers Doug pulling her from the wreck, but he keeps referring to what happened that night as if it was more, and it terrifies Zoey to admit how much is a blank to her. Controlled, meticulous Zoey is quickly losing her grip on the all-important details of her life—a life that seems strangely empty of Brandon, and strangely full of Doug.

Signups CLOSED

Remember you might not stay in this order, if you have too many books already you will get bumped up or down!!! I have to move people up and down so don't get discouraged if your towards the bottom! Also, please read this book and get it back in the mail! A lot of people are looking forward to this one!!!!
I drew randomly!

  1. Shanyn (MI) Rc'd 5/4 Mail by 5/11 DC:420373109102010521297265435235
  2. Lori (TN) Rc'd 5/11 Mailed 5/13 DC:03070020000444302986
  3. Page (ID) Rc'd 5/15 Mailed 5/20 DC:9101785091401527405665
  4. Catie (UT) Rc'd 5/22 Mailed 5/24 DC:03092880000118578910
  5. Sab (TX) Rc'd 5/28 Mailed 6/3 DC:03090330000081278646
  6. Jenn (VA) Rc'd 6/8 Mail by 6/15 DC:0309 1830 0002 4104 2614
  7. Lauren (PA) Rc'd 6/17 Mail by 6/24 DC:03092880000125910932
  8. Steph Su (PA) Rc'd 6/22 Mail by 6/29 DC:03093220000106869342
  9. Carol (TX) Rc'd 6/30 Mail by 7/7 DC:9102 1288 8230 0227 6614 88
  10. Amy (CA) Rc'd 7/19 Mail by 7/26 DC:03083390000057020624
  11. Laura (NC) Rc'd 7/27 Mail by 8/3 DC:03101230000162282535
  12. Pep (PA) Rc'd 8/5 retired


  1. Oooh, this sounds fun!

    Jessica - CA

  2. I want to read this one so bad and would love to be added to the tour.

    Morgan (MN)

  3. Cinnamon (WA) if you still have room.

  4. This sounds quite intriguing.

    Catie (UT)

  5. I would love to be on this tour!

    McKenzie, The Book Owl (OR)

  6. YES! OMG, I loooove Jennifer Echols. Sign me up, please! :)


  7. Not sure if there's still room but I would love to read this one!

    Jenn in VA

  8. If there is still room I would love to be included.

    melissa TX

  9. I would Love to read this, it sounds so good!

    Kandace - WV

  10. I really want to read this one! AZ

  11. Sign me up please!

    Kate, CT

  12. sounds fabulous i would love to read this


  13. Oh! Love to be added!

    Samantha LeAnne (TN)

  14. I know I probably won't make the cut, but if there's still room I'm in! :)

    Hope - MI

  15. I'd like to be considered please. Thanks!

    Kristen S. - Chicago, IL

  16. Been waiting on this for a while! Laura in NC

  17. I would love to be part of this one!

    Lauren (PA)

  18. am not sure but wht is this 4 ?? hahaha
