Please Read The Rules Before Joining Any Tours!

It is your responsibility to Email Me ( For Next Address, before your mail by date! Please Email me a day or two before your ready to mail. Not the day you get the book! IF mailing early, please tell me, so I can get the address to you FAST!

REMEMBER: Mr Linky is for reviews only, not signups! To sign up, follow directions in each post! (comments-chatbox)

If you want added onto an already closed tour, please email me for permission. I may or may not grant it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

How Donations Work

How do Donations work?

A blogger or author donates an ARC for tour! (book not released yet)

The ARC goes on tour all around the United States! It travels, it gets read, it gets reviewed, it travels again to the next person!

Bloggers who donate ARC receive the ARC back at the end of the tour unless it gets lost/stolen. ARCS are rarely lost/stolen.

ARCS donated by bloggers also have the opportunity to earn points! See Member Points!

If you are an author/publisher please consider donating! One ARC can be reviewed by 20-40 people!

Want To Donate An ARC?? Donate HERE.

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