It is your responsibility to Email Me ( For Next Address, before your mail by date! Please Email me a day or two before your ready to mail. Not the day you get the book! IF mailing early, please tell me, so I can get the address to you FAST!
REMEMBER: Mr Linky is for reviews only, not signups! To sign up, follow directions in each post! (comments-chatbox)
If you want added onto an already closed tour, please email me for permission. I may or may not grant it.
Welcome to Around the World Tours. This site is ran by Princess Bookie (
Our mission is to promote authors and their books via one-arc tours. If you have any questions, please contact me at aroundtheworldtours(at)gmail(dot)com
Help Keep This Site Running! All Donations made are used to help me (the host) ship out the arcs to the first person on tour! The More donations, the more of my personal ARCS I can donate to the site to ship!
Chatbox is for DC (delivery confirmation) ONLY ! Please post DC after you mail! You should be posting your DC ON (by noon the next day) OR BEFORE your mail date.
You must POST DC by Noon CENTRAL time the following day of your mail date or a strike will be given. Mailing late? DC must be posted by noon the day after you mail! Same rules apply!
Remember to check your DC on the USPS site after you post it! Posting the wrong DC or a DC that does not work will result in a strike!!! If you mess up, please correct it quickly!!! Be careful!