Our Mission
Around the World Tours consists of book tours to help promote authors and their books. Tours allow greater exposture among bloggers & their readers with a limited supply of arcs.
How It Works
ARC is passed from one blogger to another via postal service. Each blogger is responsible for for mailing the book including delivery confirmation.
Once tours are posted, bloggers may choose to participate by leaving a comment. When doing this, they are committing themselves to both reading and reviewing the ARC. To see complete details/rules or interested in joining, please visit the Bloggers page.
For Authors/Publishers/Donators
ATWT was created in 2009 by Princess Bookie! We are currently looking for any upcoming YA novels. If you are interested in donating a book for tour, please contact us at aroundtheworldtours(at)gmail(dot)com
We would love to review your book! All reviews are posted in mr linky linking to the bloggers review on blog or goodreads review.
FYI: Some people have trouble seeing the tours listed on the right hand side and the chatbox. If you do not see them, you may need to turn your popup blocker off (this seems to help most people).
This Site is maintained by Cindy of Princess Bookie
Vampire Academy Books in Order
10 hours ago