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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rising Shadow

Author: Jacqueline Wheeler
Donated By: Eleni

Summary: Ashlyn Woods just transferred to one of the most beautiful campuses on the west coast, where she can't wait to start her life over as a normal college student. But her plans take an unexpected turn when she discovers that she is a Soterian: a person who develops amazing powers when the balance of good and evil shifts too far in evil's favor. Soon she and the other Soterians are studying martial arts and learning to use their powers to prevent California from being plunged into chaos. But they quickly discover that they're up against a much more dangerous enemy than they anticipated. And when Ashlyn meets Kai, a devastatingly gorgeous guitar player, she realizes she must sacrifice more than she ever imagined.

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  1. Brenda (UT) Rc'd 5/26 Mailed 5/28 DC:03100480000186795185
  2. Miss Havoc (TX) Rec'd 6/3 Mail by 6/10 DC:0309 1140 0000 1052 7698
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  4. Readergirls (NY) Rc'd 6/26 Mail by 7/6 DC:4208 4663 9104 9690 0790 7014 0924 38-
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