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Monday, February 15, 2010

Something Like Fate

Summary: Lani and Erin are bonded for life. One thing that connects them is their fascination of fate. Lani wonders how much of our lives has already been decided and how much we can actually influence. Since the Unknown can unexpectedly change our lives forever, how much can we really control?

From the minute Lani meets Jason, she can't deny the intense connection they share. It feels like she's known him forever. She's not sure if he feels it, too. But it doesn't matter. Because Jason is Erin's boyfriend. Lani is determined to ignore her feelings for Jason, no matter how powerful they are, rather than risk hurting her best friend.

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  1. I want to read this book so bad!

    Hope MI

  2. I was supposed to be getting an ARC of this and I guess they were sent out a few months ago, so I'm not entirely sure if I'll still be receiving one.
    So, for now, I'll just my name down here. If an ARC finds it's way to me I'll let you know. :]

    Robby MA

  3. I have been wanting to read this so please sign me up.

    Crystal in NC

  4. Yes Please. This one looks great.

    Alexa (DC)

  5. I really want to read this book. Please sign me up

  6. Please sign me up. Oregon

    McKenzie, The Book Owl

  7. I would love to be signed up! Susane Colasanti is like my favorite author ever - I can't wait to read this one :)

    Erica, Wisconsin :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Please sign me up.

    Kristen in IL - ChicagoCubs

  10. I have been dying to read this book!


  11. I JUST got an ARC of this in the mail today, so you can take me off. :-) (I'll put this in the chat box, too)

